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January 16, 2013 / innovationinitiator

Conquering Challenges to Succeed

Never give up!

Never give up! (Photo credit: Sơn Marki – Tel: 0924.225.113)

While every person we have covered as part of the Leadership Insights series is an exceptional person, very so often we meet people who stand out due to what they have endured and what they have achieved.

We had the privilege of meeting not only one but two of them last week. Deepa Kannan and Shyam Nair are a married couple running a successful yoga business who have had to conquer their personal demons and challenges to get to where they are today. Their company Yogasopanam Wellness is one of the leading Yoga institutes in Bangalore and well on their way to becoming an institution in the field.

While I’ll invite you to hear Shyam’s story through his own words, I will take a quick moment to talk about why it had such a great impact on me.

Shyam was born into poverty and had spent many of his growing years with less than a square meal a day. He thought he had left those days behind when he moved to Bangalore, got a great job at a technology firm, got married and the family grew to include a child. Unfortunately life had other plans for him.

Take a look at his story. I was amazed at his strength and faith. Tell me what you felt.

You can view other Leadership Insights here.

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